
II Corinthians 1:1-7

Here is the conclusion of a paper I wrote for Dr. Pennington on II Cor. 1:1-7 . . . an encouraging passage.

The theological significance of this passage is that Christians should praise God for the comfort they have experienced through Christ in the midst of affliction, particularly affliction for the sake of Christ. They should then also recognize that their role as a loving neighbor may encompass their being used as a means for God’s comfort of others—for God’s extending of comfort which they themselves have received from God outward towards others. This can only be done by Christians as this is only done through Christ. Therefore, the church of Christ should be uniquely marked by loving relationships of comfort in the midst of affliction—which is the result of boldly associating with Christ. Truly, God is to be praised for the comfort he supplies through Christ--by means of those who have been afflicted (and comforted!)--to any saint who is afflicted.

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