
How do I hear the Word of God? Preparation for Sunday

Here are notes from a favorite sermon by Daniel Davey, who draws heavily from Piper. I try to review these, at least mentally, each Sunday night.

How do I hear the Word of God? Preparation for Sunday
1.Pray for a good and honest heart -Luke 8:15
2.Meditate on portions to cultivate an appitite for God
3.Purify your mind by turning away from worldy entertainment -James 1:21, Phil 4:8
4.Trust in the truth you already have -Luke 8:28
5.Get a good night's rest on Saturday night. It takes more discipline to go to bed on time than to get up on time. 'Take head how you hear.'
6.Forbear one another without grumbling and criticism. 'Humble me and cleanse me.' Ps 106:25
7.Come in a spirit of teachability.
8.Be still as you enter the room and focus your mind's attentinon and heart's affection on the Word of God. 'We come to look out for God and leave to look out for people.'
9.Think earnestly about what is sung, prayed, and preached. Worship engages the mind and then the emotions.
10.Desire the truth of God's Word more than I desire riches and food. Ps 19:10-11 Lk 8:19-21
-Take head how you hear.
-Attentdance doesn't count.
-Ability to hear doesn't count.
-You hear with your heart and you grasp it.

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