
Staff Meetings at CHBC

In the spring of 2008, I had the privelege of interning at Capitol Hill Baptist Church. The follow post was written in the latter part of that year. Since perspective is helpful and many will never enjoy one of these meetings, I post it now--at long last--to serve you as you consider your own church's staff meetings.

CHBC Staff Meeting

  • The pastoral staff sit at the table. Interns create an outer circle around them, generally just listening in.
  • The weekly meetings usually run just over 2 hours.

(1) Mark hands out his junk mail which might be of interest. Some gems, lots of trash.
(2) A prayer focus is given (linked to the focus for the next Sunday gather).
(3) Passage to be preached the next Sunday is read aloud.
(4) The staff prays through the passage and one page from the member directory.
(5) The calendar for the next month plus is gone through week by week so all are on the same page and fully informed.
(6) Each staff member presents their printed agendas for the week to come and any items to raise.
(7) All are asked about lunch plans and stragglers are paired up.
(8) The staff meeting is closed in prayer.

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