
From Dr. Lovitt's Last Letter

T'AI-YUAN-FU, June 28, 1900.

DEAR FRIEND--We do not know whom you may be, but we thought it well to leave this letter in the hands of a trusty native to give to the first foreigner who might come along . . . .
We would like our dear home ones to know we are being marvellously sustained by the Lord. He is precious to each of us. The children seem to have no fear. We cannot but hope for deliverance (hope dies hard), and our God is well able to do all things--even to save us from the most impossible surroundings when hope is gone. Our trust is in Him entirely and alone. We at the same time are seeking to do all that is in our power, and asking guidance at every step. . . .
There is not much time. We are ready.


--from Last Letters and Further Records of Martyred Missionaries of the China Inland Mission, p48.

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