
A Prayer--Lovely Lover of My Soul

Father, I come to you now with a repentant heart, loving my sin more than I should and asking you to help me to hate my sin and rather love you more than I do. For I can not love you more than I should. Only as I should--though to a lesser degree than would be merely proper. Proper love to you, Father, is a love which remain and endures. I Cor. 13 speak of love in a most amazing way: love is patient. Love is committed for the long hall and will wait--not merely for reciprication--but for love to overcome the unlovliness of the loved in the eyes of the lover. Love is thus kind--when kindness is odd. Love doesn't envy the loved or his circumstances. Love is not proud. Love doesn't boast--boasting by the lover is excluded, whether of the loved or lover himself. Love is not rude. Father, I am not loving. Yet I have been loved by the Lover such that love for others is now possible. I, the loved, have been so loved I can begin to be the lover. I can begin to make progress only through the Lover and because He has loved me. The Lover's love comes down and, through me, is bent outward to others--that they may see and feel and be loved too by the Lover. Father, thank you for loving the unlovely. For if you did not, I would never have been loved nor been able to love. Great Lover of my soul, you are lovely. I love you. Amen.

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